Wednesday 18 January 2017

Life in the abandoned village!

Thunder, lightning and more torrential rain overnight and we got up this morning to find the owner going round the cabins to tell everyone that the road through the village (Arthur's Pass) was blocked by landslips in both directions.  About half an hour later she was back to let us know that their was an advisory message from DOC that all water should be boiled before drinking / cleaning teeth etc.  Mid morning the road east opened (luckily the way we go tomorrow) but the road we drove yesterday is blocked in two places and won't be open for several days. The motel emptied and we were the only ones left. It was still raining, but fairly light, so we got fully togged up and headed off to explore the lower walking tracks and see the by now spectacular waterfalls.

As you can imagine there weren't many people around and it would have been madness to venture above the bush line given the conditions.  Apparently some places had 12 inches of rain in under 24 hours and there were wind gusts of 100mph near Wellington.  We did a variety of walking tracks which all linked up so we never had to return to base. Some of the tracks were very wet, but passable until our furthest point heading to Lake Misery when the path finally petered out in an enormous marshy area, where the path was presumably submerged.  We headed back to base with about 6 hours walking completed to find the place deserted. Fortunately we have enough food etc back in the cabin for tonight because the only shop had closed early and the restaurant was firmly shut, the streets were deserted and back at the accommodation all the other booked guests had cancelled and only 2 couples had turned up on spec - just hope they brought food with them!

On our travels today we came across an information board that told us that the road over the pass and down to the west coast was built in under a year by 1000 men using picks and shovels.  It is over 100km long - someone might like to mention that to Bristol City Council.........

Sadly we have decided to abandon our plan to climb Avalanche Peak tomorrow. We would have to cross the newly lowered snow line and some rock scrambling is involved so with everything so wet and some dodgy river crossings we have decided to err on the side of caution - other plans are currently being worked on!

Photos include one of the road blocks, and lots of water......

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