Wednesday 11 January 2017

He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day

The plan today was to start early and climb Mount Teranaki, which at over 8,000 ft is a bit of a brute. The route climbs one mile in 4 miles distance and it doesn't take a mathematical genius to work out the gradient. The day started hot (out of the wind), but the forecast was for gales on the top with a maximum temperature of minus 6 degrees when you factored in the wind chill. We didn't really feel we had enough gear but we decided to give it a go and turn back if conditions deteriorated. We never had to make the decision! Having been very ill overnight and then unsuccessfully attempting to keep some breakfast down, I should have had more sense than to start. I stopped to wait for Chris on the path and the next thing I knew everything was spinning and I had to lie down. To cut a long story short we decided to head down immediately, at which point the top of the mountain disappeared into cloud. To be honest I felt so awful I didn't even feel disappointed!  It is now 21.30 and after Chris lovingly preparing a tin of chicken soup for me (!!) I am off to bed to hopefully wake revitalised.

PS - the chicken soup has just suffered the same fate as breakfast!

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