Sunday 22 January 2017

How things change

The pictures say it all really. After rain, wind and temperatures barely in double figures yesterday we woke to full sun and a clear blue sky this morning. We drove up to Mount Cook village and set off up the Hooker Valley Track to the glacial lake at the foot of Mount Cook - along with what appeared to be hundreds of other people making the most of what was the first clear day for a while.  It would have been lovely if it had been quieter, but I don't suppose it ever is on a good day. I'll let the photos tell the story of the day. We got back to the car park in time for lunch and then set off for Kea Point, which is not as popular and therefore a lot quieter. It is further from Mount Cook but gives great views of Mount Sefton.  It was really hot and I was grateful for my Tilly Hat (which makes me look a trifle mad so doesn't feature in the photos). We were wearing too much as it warmed up, but so were a lot of others, worried about the strength of the sun coming off the snow and glaciers. 

At the end of the walk we drove to Cromwell, which is the jumping off point for the next cycling section starting tomorrow. Lovely motel and they are letting us leave the car for the three nights we are away. Currently packing panniers and checking the weather forecast.  Thought you might like a little local colour from The Cromwell and District News:
 'Free spirit swings into Cromwell'
Jennifer Graham-McNab has a habit of swinging into Cromwell every now and then. Spending her time as a free spirit (is that some sort of new job description?) the colourful and interesting Jennifer stopped in at The Tin Goose cafe and offered her talents to locals.  She read tarot cards and a small crystal ball (cheapskate)  and was accompanied by Esther, a happy and friendly Bichon Frise toy poodle. Jennifer nestled herself into the local cafe and offered her gift of intuitive channel King to those customers interested - apparently she knew from a young age that she was intuitively blessed.

The article rambles on but tells us that she now faces the task of creating her own political party. Please send your name suggestions to me - note that 'The Raving Loony Party' is already taken.

Enjoy the pics!

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