Tuesday 10 January 2017

From a land a (very) long way away

Just checking in to let you know we arrived in Auckland yesterday after 36 hours travel. All went smoothly with everything running to time and our bikes already in the baggage hall 10 minutes after the plane landed (and we were through customs as well). In fact all went swimmingly until we got to Jucy to pick up the hire car. We discovered that instead of the car we had booked - 'El Cheapo, 8 Seata' we had been given an upgrade to an 8 seater which was presumably not supposed to be cheap. First problem was that the baggage doesn't go in!!  The seats don't fold down, you can just push them forward a bit, so getting 2 bikes in made for an interesting exercise - we haven't tried to get them out yet! The expected cheap manual car is an incomprehensible automatic and so far has left Chris locked in with all the doors except for the driver's one locked fast despite the fact the car had been opened. Then today, with all the doors firmly closed, it refused to move from its parked position until the doors closed. Getting moving involved opening and closing all the doors several times until it got bored with the game and randomly started 😡.

Anyway we have safely got ourselves down to the Mount Teranaki area, after 12 hours sleep last night. No sign of jet lag - we are just really tired and I'm about to go to bed again ready for hitting the hills on foot tomorrow. Hopefully more photos / news tomorrow when I can keep my eyes open.

BTW: sign by the roadside today informed us that today's risk of Facial Eczema is low - bet you are all relieved to hear that, it certainly had me worried.

Today's pictures are our own car packed ready to go, our very discrete hire car, me modelling for Jucy pin up girl and today's lunch spot

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