Saturday 3 September 2016

On top of the world!

Or 8,648ft to be precise!  Due to the presence of some dangerous tunnels we took the bikes part way, using a temporary emergency road, which has been built to replace the main road, closed since a tunnel collapsed. (The tunnels I referred to above are dangerous due to being narrow, dark and busy). It was a bit overcast when we started as can be seen from the summit photo, but it gradually cleared and we got some stunning views in all directions - we are planning to do the climb from the other side next week - the more traditional TdF route. The top was busy with motorcyclists and a charity ride from the UK (Royal Marsden breast cancer care) all in rather eye watering 'barbie pink' kit - with motorists getting in everyone's way as some bright spark had parked in the entrance to the small turning area and disappeared. Chris would have been happy to stay and watch the resulting chaos for the rest of the day - but we had another mountain to climb, so headed back to the car and retraced  our route over the emergency road to park at the Chambon barrage, where we had lunch before heading off, uphill again, to the village of Les Deux Alps - hereafter referred to as 'The Village of the Damned' (VoD for short). It is a huge place, but was basically shut, not a stray cat, all the shops were closed, the Tourist Office was shuttered and all bar 2 of the cafes were firmly closed (including the Irish Pub - so obviously not an authentic place). Despite all 4 supermarkets being barred and shuttered we managed to get a cold drink in one of the 2 open cafes before doing a sightseeing (!!) loop and coming back to the Main Street to be surrounded by about 20 donkeys wandering along, all saddled up but no riders......We left quickly, returning by another vertiginous balcony road, with a dramatic drop-off to our right, but no cars so we were able to ride well away from the edge.

Our 4 Middlesbrough cyclists left this morning, to be replaced by 2 Dutch lads, which might at least mean we get to bed a bit earlier after a bit less wine!!

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