Tuesday 6 September 2016

Lakes, mountains and views

No idea what happened to yesterday's post - I can only assume it is bouncing around somewhere in the ether. Since I can't be bothered to recreate the whole thing I will condense the essentials. We were walking yesterday and for the first time there was little or no sun all day - the upside being that it was significantly cooler. We were planning a 'rest' day with a short stroll up to Lac Lauvitel, but somehow (as so often seems to happen to us) we ended up with a 7 hour epic which involved some fixed chain pitches, plus scrambling on our hands and knees across some unstable scree slopes - this was just to get to the start of the route up to the lake! Sadly the views weren't great but we climbed up to around 5,000ft to reach the lake and made a circular walk by coming back another way. At the bottom there was a large bar / restaurant with outdoor seating (in fact all the seating was outdoor) and no customers. We decided we fancied a cold drink and asked for 2 Coke Zero, having ensured they had some in the fridge. We were sent to sit down and wait to be served by a shuffling comedy French bar owner - who proceeded to disappear without any drinks appearing.

We eventually heard banging of cutlery and plates and eventually he shuffled back out with 2 Croque Monsieur and no drinks!!!  I couldn't face a return match so we asked for water, then pretended to eat the unwanted food while actually putting it in a bag to have for lunch today. To add insult to injury the equivalent of 2 toasted cheese sandwiches cost the gross GDP of a small country.........

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