Thursday 3 September 2015

Heat wave alert!

Temperatures are hitting all time records for September, which we could certainly have lived without! We got up at 7.00am to make sure we were able to do something before the mercury hit 90+. :(

Started with a 5k walk, then after breakfast we set off on a 16 mile bike ride, taking in a sign in someone's garden B. J's lemonade $1 - worst in town!  We decided not to try and prove this one way or another........ Back at the apartment we went straight into the sea, much calmer than yesterday and not as much fun sadly, although we still had waves breaking over our heads and got knocked off our feet. We had another cycle ride, walk and swim before calling it a day and listening to the Archers on the I-pad!

Very hot today, according to the forecast it was 87degrees, feeling like 99 degrees and I certainly wouldn't argue - supposed to be getting worse over the next few days.  Not many pictures today as we spent too much of it huddled in the shade. I really should have known better - heaven only knows what I thought we would do in a week off here.  Note photo of the beer / cider Chris is doing credit control on.

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