Wednesday 2 September 2015

A nice crisp autumn day....

That is what I am dreaming off!  Record hot temperatures here have sent us scuttling for shade, or even indoors in the AC.  Up today to see the sunrise over the ocean (see photo), then breakfast and off on the bikes. The lack of accuracy on the maps caused us all sort of trouble as we wandered endlessly round dead end streets, or got confused with roads not shown on the map. In the end we did 30 miles and didn't really go anywhere, but got very hot and irritated. Back for a cold drink and then a 'swim' - the wind is light so the sea still isn't anything like as exciting as it was Sunday/Monday. Temps got to 90 degrees and supposedly felt like 109!!!  Didn't do much after lunch until about 4.00pm when we went for a three mile walk in the surf - note the pictures below of the Americans on holiday.  Another swim and then we found ourselves very embarrassingly turning into Yanks - we got in the car for a 1.5 mile journey to buy some stuff for dinner, I hang my head in shame.....

Still we noticed a few things on our bike ride that I thought might help you plan the perfect day:

You could start with a trip to Gentle Dental (going the extra smile)
Move to the Tanning shop to 'Sun your Buns' then
How about a 'U-Neek facial and new Daisha braids'
Next a spot of retail therapy at Jens 'Shop of Oldies' where you can buy some 'genuine shaggin' sandals (real leather)'
Hungry after all that excitement?? Can you decide between
Southern Fried Chicken BBQ - 'Best Butts on the Beach' or (my favourite)
Seafood Restaurant and Food Store - live worms, live bait, live minnows, lobster crab legs.  Question - was this the menu...............?????

I am investigating what a lobster crab leg might be (always written with no punctuation)
Does it mean
a) lobster and crab legs
b) the leg of a lobster crab
c) something else entirely

Answers on the back of a used postage stamp

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