Monday, 6 February 2017

Missed Opportunities and other nonsense

So here we are in the cold and wet (sound familiar?), regretting the things we missed over Waitangi weekend (public holiday yesterday).  On Friday we could have gone to the Digital Undergrowth Exhibition (juxtaposing stark slice of life images with graphite drawings). I am completely at a loss as to what this might be.....  Saturday was more promising with the 5th Annual Healthy Bastards Bush Pilot Championships, NZ's premier national short take-off and landing competition (does that mean there are others ??????), or Chris could have gone to Picton Men's Shed 'where men can do what men do best' - the mind boggles.....Sunday would have been a complete surprise to both of us, any ideas on what we would have experienced at 'Kapahaka'  1pm - 3pm?

For those of you who are house proud you might like to consider polishing your concrete floors (I feel as if I have entered a parallel universe!), which will bring them to life apparently - provided you use the Husqvarna Hyper Floor System.  Honestly, how have I lived so long without this knowledge?

As you might have guessed not much of interest happened today. Chris packed the bikes while I filled one of our bags with all the stuff we won't need again. Then this afternoon we walked for about 3 hours in a dry interlude, exploring some of the walking tracks going to Waikawa Bay and Snout Point. Disappointed to find that the ice cream shop had closed early (although perhaps not surprising given the weather) then just as we were within sight of the motel it started to rain heavily again, so we are tucked up with our books and a glass of wine.  No pictures today as the Wifi is just too annoying and in any case we didn't take many - hope to rectify that tomorrow.

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