Monday, 17 August 2015

Cross and tired....

Have just inexplicably lost the whole of today's post and am too tired to re-do it all. Potted version:
Very hot, at least 96 degrees this afternoon and 80 in the shade at 9.00am. Followed the Shenandoah valley to Harrisonburg, a total of 65 miles and despite following the Old Valley Turnpike Rd we still managed to do 3,000ft of ascent. Our hotel is allegedly in Harrisonburg, in the same way that Cribbs Causeway in Bristol is in the same city as Emersons Green (allegedly). Lunched in a Methodist Church (don't ask) and afternoon break in a cemetery. Currently sitting in long trousers and fleece jumpers, despite the temperature, as all our other clothes are in the washing machine!  Day sight-seeing tomorrow and there is so little to do here that it is even possible that we will end up in the Quilt Museum - or possibly not.

Just a few food related thoughts to end the day:
Anyone for a deep fat fried peach pie?  No, well make it apple or blueberry if you must.
A bag of 'No Bake Nubbins'?  I have no idea either
Finally 'Holymoly Potato Donuts' anyone??  Not sure if these are donuts made of potatoes, donut shaped potatoes or potato shaped donuts.  I am assuming they are not potatoes made of donuts, although I suppose anything is possible.

And a special welcome back to 'Zingers' - you have been missed.  Move over Mrs Freshley.....

Not many photos today, it was so hot we kept pressing on.

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